Dental crowns

Dental Crowns

A Dental Crown is an artificial restoration that fits over the remaining part of a prepared tooth, restoring the function and adding strength to teeth that are broken down.

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When would I need a crown?

Crowns are an ideal way to repair teeth that have broken, have been weakened by decay, or have a very large filling. A crown can be used for a number of other reasons, for example:

You may wish to improve the appearance of a discoloured tooth.

You may have a tooth which is heavily broken down and require a crown to restore tooth strength

          Preparing the tooth

The dentist will prepare the tooth to the ideal shape for the crown. This will involve removing a layer of the outer surface, leaving a strong inner core. 

Once the tooth is shaped, the dentist will take an impression of the prepared tooth, one of the opposite jaw and possibly another to show the way you bite together. 

The impressions will then be sent to a dental technician, along with a shade match to ensure that your new crown blends seamlessly with your natural teeth.

              Post crowns

In root-filled teeth it may be necessary to insert a post into the root of the tooth before placing a crown. This gives support and helps the crown to stay in place. The surface of the tooth may be removed down to the level of the gum.

A post can be made of prefabricated stainless steel which the dentist can fit directly into the root canal. A custom-made post can be constructed by the dental technician to accurately fit the shape of the prepared root canal. The post is placed into the root canal and cemented in position, ready for the crown to be attached.

Frequently asked questions about crowns

Will I get a temporary crown?
A temporary crown will be made so that you can use the tooth while you wait for the crown to be made. This crown may be more noticeable but is only temporary.

How is the crown fitted?
When you and your dentist are happy with the fit and appearance of the new crown, it will be fixed in place with special dental cement.

How long does the treatment take?
You will need two visits. At the first visit, your dental team will prepare the tooth, take impressions, take the shade of your tooth, and fit a temporary crown. At the second visit, your dentist will fit the permanent crown. There will usually be one week between appointments.

Is the procedure painful?
No. You will have a local anaesthetic and the preparation work should feel no different from a filling. If the tooth does not have a nerve, and a post crown is being prepared, then you may not need a local anaesthetic.

How do I look after my crown?
It is important to keep the crown just as clean as you would your natural teeth. The crown itself cannot decay, but decay can start where the edge of the crown joins the tooth. Brush morning and night with a fluoride toothpaste, and clean in between your teeth with interdental brushes or floss.

How long will my crown last?
This depends on how well you look after it. If you take great care of your crown it should last for many years.

Crown Types

  • Porcelain bonded to precious metal

    This is what most crowns are made from. A precious metal base is made and then porcelain is applied in layers over it.

  • Porcelain

    These crowns are made entirely out of porcelain and are not as strong as bonded crowns. However, they look very natural and are mainly used for front teeth.

  • All-ceramic

    This modern technique offers a metal-free alternative, which can give the strength of a bonded crown and the appearance of a porcelain crown. Therefore it is suitable for use in all areas of the mouth.

  • Gold-alloy crowns

    Gold is one of the oldest  materials used within tooth restorations. Today it is used with other metals in alloys for increased strength, making it very hard wearing. These crowns are silver or gold in colour.

 If you think you may require a Dental Crown
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